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Frequently Asked Questions

Process Info Questions

How do I know I am doing the exercises correctly?
If you are not sure, view the videos as often as necessary and read next question.
What is the proper way to do the exercises correctly?
REVIEW THIS IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE INCREASING. When doing the exercises many women can become complacent over time and stop growing. To do the exercises correctly review the videos and then do the following: You should not be massaging the breast as if you are applying sunscreen or makeup, you have to vigorously stimulate the whole breast tissue using sufficient pressure (short of hurting yourself), between the outer skin of the breast and deep down right up to the chest muscle. Since you cannot see through the breast skin, you have to use your fingertips to feel every little part of the breast under the skin. So, do not use your knuckles. Remember, you have to make contact on the whole breast area. You have to get accustom to where every little bump, every duct, every lobe are, the texture, where there is more breast tissue, etc. When you pay attention to every detail that you feel inside your breast, you will know your breast better and will be able to notice the slightest changes that happen from day to day.

Don't just do the exercises, just to do them. Do them with a purpose. Do them because this is your opportunity to reach the goal that you have been hoping and praying for, for such a long time. Remember, you just have to do this for a few weeks, until you are happy with your increase, then you can go on maintenance, where the exercises are reduced and only have to be done as little as 1 time every couple of days. You are in control of your breast size if you choose to be.

Never forget that the main reason for doing the exercises is to find and activate as many lobes as possible. The more of the 15 to 20 lobes that you activate in each breast, the more probability you have of increasing your breast size. The more of these lobes that you get to grow large, the larger the increase you will achieve. At first it will be like trying to find a needle in a haystack, but once they appear, you are almost there. Just make sure to continue to stimulate each lobe individually with the exercises we give you and you will be on your way to feeling better about yourself and your breast size. It is natural for your breast to change this way because it is doing all the changes for you. You know it has worked on many many women, and it can work on you. You just have to put the zest and effort in the exercises like when you first started and get those lobes growing, You can do it. Take control and reach your goal.
What else should I be doing while on this process?
Just make sure to follow the process as instructed. We always recommend a good healthy life style like eating healthy, exercising and being active but it is not necessary for our process to work.
Do I have to take the measurements every day?
It is important to take the measurements every day so that when it is entered on the computer the program can tell how you are doing and give you the correct instructions.
Do I have to enter the measurements and Info each day?
It is recommended that you enter the information each day so that each day the program can evaluate how you are doing, give you suggestions to help you move to the next level and if you have advanced enough, it will give you the instructions for the next level. If you don't have time to enter each day, you need to record the info on the downloadable progress schedule and enter each day's info when you can (2 or 3 times per week). The program is the key to help you advance.
Can I adjust the exercises more or less than the suggested time?
Since it is your body, and you are doing the exercises, you are in command of what you want to do and how and when you want to do it. We have tested our process to optimize the amount of sessions and the time each session should take each day, to get your body to reach results you want in the most economical way.
I cannot spend as much time doing the exercises, will that be a problem?
The less time you spend on the exercises, the longer it will take to reach your goal but doing the exercises for too short a time per session or if you miss too many sessions, you will not gain very much but it is all relative to your body. Every woman is different and reacts at a different speed.
Can I over massage?
We don't believe that you can over massage but you have to be your own regulator. If you notice that too much exercise is bothering you or hurting you, then you should take a break or stop until the next session. You are in control, and you know your body better than anyone else so you can make the best judgment on how much is too much for your own body.
Will doing more sessions or spend more time doing for each session make my increases faster and larger?
If you have more time to spend on the exercises or to put additional sessions each day, it will probably encourage faster growth and development but it will not necessarily mean larger growth. Your body will dictate how much your breasts will grow, more sessions will encourage faster development.
Why do you have an alternative schedule (one breast in the morning and the other at night)?
Although both methods work, we find that the alternative schedule seems to get better and faster results, so we suggest that women use the alternative schedule after they start level 2 and up.
Do the exercise have to be done in the morning and evening?
It is up to you. We suggest morning and evening because it is spread out and it may be easier to find time to yourself at those times. The main thing is that you do the exercises for the full time required for two sessions per day.
Should I press really hard on the lobes?
The object is to stimulate the lobes when following the exercises, not crush them.
Follow the instructions and do the exercises individually.
Is it OK to have my partner help do the exercise on me?
We actually believe that if your partner learns to do the exercises correctly on you and does not hurt you by doing them too hard, it could be very beneficial in many ways. First, you partner has a better angle doing the exercise on you than you have on yourself. Your partner can provide more even pressure on both breasts when doing the exercise, providing more evenly increases on both breasts. Your partner can provide motivation and support in your quest to reach your goal and it can be used as a bonding experience for both parties.
What is the reason for the kneading exercises?
The kneading exercises help you increase because you are able to massage and stimulate the whole breast area and more precisely, each individual lobe, not only from the front to back like the fingertip exercises, but also from all sides which helps speed up the development.
What is the reason for the fingertip exercises?
The fingertip exercises help you to activate the lobes even though you cannot feel them. By making sure you contact the whole breast area, as you contact each lobe, it will stimulate them enough for them to get started to grow.
What is the reason for the extraction exercises?
The extraction exercises help you to extract moisture or drops of fluid from the breasts. You will not usually have more than a few drops of fluid when doing the exercises, but it is a way to keep the ducts to the nipple clear and also extract excess liquid, which may make the lobes increase in size even more since they think that milk is being demanded.. Once you go on maintenance and you reduce the exercises, the moisture will lessen or maybe even stop.
Is it OK to use my knuckles instead of the fingertip exercises since it does not hurt the fingers as much?
You should not use your knuckles instead of the fingertip exercises because the whole point of using the fingertips, apart from putting pressure when doing the exercises, is to be able to feel every little bump or texture in the breast so that when there is a change, you can realize it when it happens. Using your knuckles provides more pressure but does not allow you the same feel you get with your fingertips to get to know every part of your breast.
Will my nipples get bigger doing this process?
Normally since the breast volume gets larger, it will make the areola larger and may make the nipples larger, but that can vary from woman to woman.
Why do I have to do the nipple exercises? I don't want to do the nipple exercises in case my nipples get larger.
The reason for the nipple exercises is to clear the ducts in the nipple so that if there is excessive moisture in the breasts, there is a way for it to come out as you progress through the process. This reduces the possibility of problems with clogged ducts.
Where are the lobes located and how many are there?
There are about 15 to 20 lobes in each breast and are found on the breast area. This ranges from the collar bone to the base of the breast where it meets the chest and from the breast bone to under the arm, before the armpit (see video), but the exact location and size varies from woman to woman.
Can I use lotion or cream when doing the exercises?
Yes you can use any type of lotion or oil or cream when doing the exercises, but when doing the exercises, don't use too much and make sure that you are massaging deep down into the breast tissue, right down to the chest muscle, with sufficient pressure. Don't do the exercises like you are applying sunscreen.
As my lobes get bigger, do the fat cells move or migrate out of the breast to make more room?
The lobes and fat cells are part of the breasts. As the lobes get larger, the fat cells stay exactly where they are. The only thing is, if you are doing weight loss or fitness, the fat throughout the body and in the breast, may get burned off which would cause the fat cells to get smaller but they will not move to other parts of the body they stay where they are.
Is it OK to switch right boob to left in turns when fingers get too tired but still finish the full session for each breast or does it have to be continuous?
Yes you can change from one breast to the other if your fingers get tired as long as you cover the whole breast area without missing and spots in the breast area. If you are using the alternative schedule then it will not apply because you are doing one breast at a time.
I have uneven sized breasts and I want to make them more even. Should I just do exercise on only the smaller one?
We recommend that you do the regular exercises as described in the video to get both of the breasts growing. In some cases, your breasts might even out as you progress and maximize your increase. For those who have a large difference, we suggest that you do the process as described and then after you start your maintenance, you can pay more attention and exercise the smaller one and less on the larger one, so that they become more even, or you can do the regular exercises and do another session per day, on the smaller one, or just spend a few more minutes per session on the smaller one.
Will my breasts leak very easily when rubbed against something or someone?
In most cases the breasts will leak possibly when doing the exercise and that would only be a few drops at the most. For most women they will not leak during the day and would require similar manipulation to the exercises in order to have a drop or two. Some women have mentioned that they did not have any leaking at all, even after 2 inches of increase, while some women noticed a drop or two when doing the exercise in the early stages.
I want to lactate so that I can feed an adopted baby. What do I have to do differently?
If you want to lactate enough that you can partially or fully breastfeed an adopted newborn baby, you should start this process at least 1 to 2 months before if you get the child. I would suggest that you double the sessions per day for the breasts to feel like there is more of a demand for milk. This will get the breasts to work to try to develop quicker. Once you have 2 to 3 grape sized lobes and you begin to get at least 5 or 6 drops of milk from each breast per session, then you should use a breast pump for a few minutes after the session, to simulate the baby's demand to feed. If you try to use a breast pump before that, the breast pump will be sucking without any fluid coming out of the breasts and might hurt the nipples or breasts. Just like the milk comes in gradually, you need to use the pump gradually, a little longer a bit at a time to simulate the increase demand. If you use it for a long period all at once, it may just hurt your breasts with very little success. I should add that all women are different and can react differently. Previously pregnant women might react quicker and produce more milk but you will only find out by trial and error.
You suggest I take photos during my process. Why?
It is a good record for yourself, but if you do, make sure that you take them at the same angle and same distance from the camera so that you can compare and are able to notice the difference.

Video or Instruction Related Questions

I just enrolled and cannot see the videos. What should I do?
If it is the first time viewing them, it may be because your flash video player is not current or existent. You can download a current flash video player for your computer just by searching for a free flash video program.
I have watched the videos before but I cannot seem to see the videos now. What should I do?
Sometimes due to the website traffic or the web server maintenance, the videos might not show up when you go to watch them. I suggest to turn your computer off and back on again, then try viewing them again. If that fails, continue doing the same exercises you have been doing and try the following day. If it still fails send an e-mail to describing your problem.
I am not getting instructions after I enter my daily information and I cannot see the graphs of my progress. What should I do?
Sometimes due to the website traffic or the web server maintenance, the instructions might not show up and usually you will not be able to see the graphs either. If this happens, turn your computer off and back on again, then try viewing them again. If that fails, continue doing the same exercises you have been doing and continue to enter information as if everything is OK, then try the following day. If it still fails after 2 days send an e-mail to describing your problem.
Where are the exercise and different level process videos located?
You click on the Video Instructions tab and then choose exercises. There you will see the exercise videos and your current level instruction video.
What is the difference between the regular instructions and the alternative instructions?
From level 2 and up we recommend that you do the alternative schedule instructions which seem to work faster and better on most women. We want you to gain as fast as possible so that you can get on the maintenance as soon as possible, to reduce the daily exercises.
I just moved to the next level but I don't know where to find the video instructions?
You click on the Video Instructions tab and then choose exercises. There you will see the exercise videos and your current level instruction video.
Is it OK to be moving up more than 1 level in just a few days?
If you have been previously pregnant, it is quite possible, because the breasts react quicker to the change and the lobes grow faster. However, you should still check the measurements to make sure you did not make a mistake entering your daily information, because wrong information will also make the computer program think that you increased and it will move you up a level.
Why does the video say week 1 or week 2 etc instead of level 1 and level 2 etc.?
The video titles are wrong because every woman advances at their own rate. Some previously pregnant women can advance 1 or more levels in only the first week while some never pregnant women might stay on level 1 (week 1 exercises for 2 to 3 weeks).

Progress Related Questions

After the first day, my breasts and nipples are very sore. Is that normal?
Yes it is very normal because your breasts are not accustomed to the exercises. The soreness usually goes away after about the first week as the breasts get use to the exercises.
After doing the exercises a couple of days, my breasts feel a lot of tingles. Is that normal?
Many women seem to feel a tingly feeling early in the process. It is quite normal and makes you aware that there are changes happening but not all women feel it.
The measurement changes every time I take them. What should I do?
To make sure that you are taking the proper measurement, try to take the measurement from the same place, same angle and same tightness, all the time. It is suggested that you take the measurement 2 times and compare it with your previous day's measurement, so that you know that it is correct.
I have been doing the exercises for over 1 week and I have not noticed much change?
If you have never been pregnant it can take 10 to 14 days to begin to notice changes, if it has been over 14 days with no change review the videos and make sure you are doing the exercises correct with enough pressure short of hurting yourself.
I cannot tell if I feel lobes or not. I don't know what they are supposed to feel like?
Every woman has this concern because even if they were pregnant before, they might not of felt the changes occurring. The only thing is to continue to do the exercises and you will start to notice little seed sized lumps in the breasts. As they grow you will be more certain of them.
I feel a lot of little bumps in my breast, kind of like a bean bag feeling to it. Is that normal?
Most women mention that at some point when there are a bunch of lobes all growing at the same time, the breast has a bean bag fell to it. That is a good sign that you are doing well and on the right track. Make sure to keep exercising each lobe that you feel so that they continue to grow.
Why are some lobes bigger or smaller than others?
The lobes will grow if you make contact with them and stimulate them through the exercises we instruct you to do. You will make contact with some before other lobes, so they begin to grow first. As you make contact with other lobes they will grow, but will usually be smaller than the first ones you made contact with until they all reach their maximum size.
I am not gaining very much above the nipples?
Some women try to cut corners by just doing the exercises on the fleshy parts of the breasts. Lobes can be found up to just below the collar bone. Even though you might think that you are wasting your time, since there is very little breast tissue there, you are not. You need to do the exercises on the whole breast area. That includes right up to the collar bone. Increases up at 3 inches above the nipple can make the breasts look and feel so much fuller than if you don't do the exercises there.
I am gaining at all other measurements but not at my nipple?
As I mentioned, every woman is different. Your body will dictate where and how much you grow. The only thing you can do is find all the lobes possible in the breasts to get them growing and then keep stimulating each and every one of them to make them grow as much as possible. It depends on the lobe location as to where your breasts gain in size. Just make sure to contact the whole breast area, to make sure of maximizing the increase.
I was gaining and then I stopped. Why?
It is very common for women to notice changes and then for some reason seem to stop and stagnate at that level for a while. Usually during the 2nd or 3rd weeks you may become complacent and although you are doing the exercises, you are not doing them correctly or with as much vigor as when you started. It is usually corrected by reviewing the videos and get back to doing the exercises with as much effort and pressure as when you started. This may happen a few times during the process so if it does keep checking the videos and the FAQ question 'The proper way to do the exercises correctly.
Why am I not increasing as fast as others that I have read about on the Forums?
Every woman is different and grows at a different rate, depending on your body. You should not compare yourself with others since they are different than you. Many things that can affect the speed of your progress could be things like: if you have ever been pregnant; how long since your last pregnancy, your body's ability to change hormone levels, if you are applying sufficient pressure doing the exercises, if you have missed many sessions, if you are doing the exercises correctly etc.
One breast seems to be growing faster than the other, why?
Most women are either right handed or left handed. In most cases you are able to provide more pressure with the hand that you are stronger with. So the breast being exercised with the stronger hand might grow faster than the one that is exercised with the weaker hand.
Why are my nipples and areola getting darker?
Some women will notice their nipples and areola getting darker. This is what normally happens during pregnancy or breastfeeding on most women, but the amount of darkening can vary from woman to woman depending on the complexion or skin color, nationality etc.
Is it normal to have moisture or liquid, coming out of the nipples?
Depending if you have been previously pregnant or not, or how long since your last pregnancy, you may notice some moisture from your nipples usually only when doing the exercises. Each woman is different. Some women don't get much, or any at all, while some will get a few drops while doing the process, but normally, most women will not likely have moisture from the nipples during the day, when you are not doing the exercises.
I have never been pregnant and when doing the exercises, I notice some clear liquid from my nipple. Is it common?
Normally it takes longer for women who have never been pregnant to get any liquid from the nipples, but it depends on the individual, and your hormone levels. Breasts of women who have never been pregnant are normally not considered to be mature until they experience pregnancy or use of hormones or use our process. Making milk is the way for the breast to reach maturity, which according to many medical authorities like American Cancer Society, have concluded that women who breastfeed (which requires lactation) reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases.
What color should the moisture or liquid be?
Normally the liquid in the breasts starts out as being clear the first few days and as you progress the liquid becomes cloudier looking and slowly after a few more days it becomes whiter and finally white. If it has not been too long since you were pregnant, it might start out cloudy or even white, right off the bat.
Is it safe to have milk in my breasts for long periods of time?
In the past generations, it was common for women to have 8, 10 or even more children during their reproductive years. They were lactating for most of their lives. Women in third world countries can breastfeed for many years. The breasts are not like two jugs full of milk that just sit in them until it is drained out. The body has a lymphatic system which takes dead cells, and other discarded products from cells, including excess milk from the lobes and recycles it back into the body. It is similar to when a woman stops breastfeeding and weans her baby, the breasts continue to produce milk for weeks after the baby has stopped feeding but none is being used. The excess is naturally taken by the body's lymphatic system and recycled back in the body.
My breasts feel fuller / heavier but I don't feel any lobes
It is quite common for the breast to feel fuller or heavier even before noticing the lobes. It shows that the process is working. Keep at it and changes will start soon.
The lobes are very small and are not growing?
You may not be doing the exercises correctly. You should review the videos, make sure to put sufficient pressure doing the exercises and when doing the kneading exercises, make sure to stimulate each lobe that you can feel, individually by rubbing it between your thumb and index finger to make it activate faster.
My breasts feel tight like when I was breastfeeding. Is that normal?
Some women who have previously breastfed mention that, as they are progressing, their breasts feel sore or tight, similar to when they were getting ready to breastfeed and felt almost engorged. This is normal because as the lobes are growing, they are taking more room and stretching the skin on the breast to accommodate the larger breast size. You can moisturize the breasts so that the skin becomes softer and stretchable.
I notice my stretch marks from weight loss or pregnancy are less noticeable as I am progressing.
Most women notice that if they had stretch marks before, as they progress, the breast not only looks fuller but is fuller and fills up and stretches out the stretch marks.

Menstrual Cycle (Period) Related Questions

Should I start the process during my period?
During a woman's menstrual cycle, the breasts can grow approx.. œ inch so to start the process it is advisable to start this process just after your period so that the program starts with your true measurements.
My period is coming soon. My breasts get very tender before my period comes. Is it OK to do the exercises during my period?
Yes it is OK to do the exercises during your period. Many women have mentioned that they have lighter and less painful periods when on this process.
Will the program count the approx. œ inch increase that occurs each month at time of my period?
No it will not calculate changes that occur during your period but you may notice that many times, the increase will remain because the process increase has matched what you would of lost after your period ended. However you need to mark that you are having your period in the daily information entry pages so that the program knows, takes that into account and does not advance you to the next level because of this temporary increase.
I just had my period and my breast size is shrinking from my original measurements when I started?
It is quite possible that you started just before or while you started your menstrual cycle. The breasts can grow approx.. œ inch during your period, so your beginning measurements included this temporary increase and now have gone back to their original normal size. Our process will not make the breasts smaller, it will only increase their size. Just keep doing the exercises and they will continue to progress and increase in size.
I should be having my period but it has not come yet.
A couple of women that tried our process had this comment and were concerned why their period was late, but after a few days past, the period came.
When do I start the maintenance process?
You can start the maintenance process after a minimum of 30 days or preferably when you have reached your goal or are happy with the size you have achieved. The video will be available to you after 30 days. Since the maintenance process is different from the regular process, you will not be able to go back to the regular process once you have moved to the maintenance process, so make sure that you are happy with your increase before moving over.

Health Medication or Other Related Questions

What should I do if I have side effects like nausea, cramping, morning sickness, or other breastfeeding type of ailments?
The majority of women do not experience side effects while using our process but a few have mentioned that they did. The few that did seemed to feel nausea, similar to when they were pregnant or breastfeeding. So if you are one of those women who do show intolerable side effects, we recommend that you stop the process and see your doctor for check up and advice.
I guess I have been pressing too hard and got bruising on the breasts. Should I keep doing the exercises?
Some women have noticed bruising from doing the exercises too hard but some bruise very easily. Remember you want to apply plenty of pressure but not enough to hurt yourself. If the bruising is hurting you, stop the process and either check with your doctor right away or wait a day or so and see if it is still hurting you. If it is not hurting you and the bruising is not very bad, you can resume the process with lighter exercises or if it is still bothering you a lot, check with your doctor. If there is any blood coming from the nipples from being too rough with the breasts, stop and check with your doctor.
I am taking medication. Should I keep doing the exercises?
Normally it should be OK but it is best to ask your doctor and let him/her know that you are doing our process. They will be in a better position to inform you since they know the effects of the medication they have prescribed for you.
Is it OK to take other herbs or pills to boost the growth?
As I have mentioned before, our process does not work the same as herbs or breast enhancement pills. They work on gaining fat or water retention while our process works on lobe development. We recommend that you do one process at a time so you know what actually works and what side effects it has. If you do more than one process at a time you will not know which one is working or which is giving you problems.
Is it OK to take a mammogram while using this process?
As long as you advise your doctor before taking the mammograms that you are on this process and make him/her aware that your lobes are active and might be larger, Your doctor will consider and factor that information when reviewing your results.

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